Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vestergaard-Frandsen: A Dream Social Enterprise?

So I'm coming up on two months post graduation from an MPH/MBA dual degree. I'm not going to lie- I've definitely had my moments where I've wondered how I was really going to put both of these degrees to full use in the time to come. As most periods of unemployment are, this has been a time of self-discovery and doubt, a tedious attempt to try to explore all the avenues I could potentially start walking down. The process has been disheartening at times- I don't always see the light, that I know is out there, at the end of the tunnel.

But a few days ago, during one of my many internet searches, I discovered an organization that has shaken me into the realization that I am indeed on the right path. Vestergaard-Frandsen is a Swiss-based, social enterprise with a unique business model- they create and provide disease control textiles to vulnerable populations during humanitarian emergencies all over the world, reinvesting a significant portion of their profits into new research and development activities. Some of their big successes have been:
  • ZeroFly, a plastic sheet that acts as a long-lasting insecticide against malaria and other vector-borne diseases, while simultaneously providing shelter
  • PermaNet, long-lasting insecticidal nets protecting against malaria, some with improved bioefficacy against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors
  • LifeStraw, a portable water filter in individual and family sizes to protect against common diarrhoel disease
  • CarePack, a package designed to improve the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS that includes a long-lasting insecticidal net,an instant microbiological water purifier, condoms, a broad spectrum antibiotic and printed educational materials about malaria, other vector-borne diseases, diarrhoea , and sexually transmitted diseases
So it is possible to make money AND do good- world, are you listening?!

Watch LifeStraw at work in Haiti, after the recent earthquake:

Watch CarePack launch a massive social media campaign:

Vestergaard-Frandsen has kept me up really late tonight- I can't stop thinking about the possibilities in this arena. I'm hoping there are many more of you out there, as excited as I am!!

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